If you are not in Berlin, just take the exam # a telc examination center near you. Please Beurteilung: the exam fee is to be paid directly to the test center. 本網站對於任何使用或引用本網站網頁資料引致之損失或損害,概不負責。本網站亦有權隨時刪除、暫停或編輯本網站所登載之各項資料�
If you are not in Berlin, just take the exam # a telc examination center near you. Please Beurteilung: the exam fee is to be paid directly to the test center. 本網站對於任何使用或引用本網站網頁資料引致之損失或損害,概不負責。本網站亦有權隨時刪除、暫停或編輯本網站所登載之各項資料�